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Secondary School

Welcome to the American Nicaraguan School’s Secondary Program in Managua, Nicaragua! We offer a world-class education with a global perspective, focusing on academic excellence through a student-centered, constructivist approach to learning guided by our core values. Our state-of-the-art Science and Innovation Building is currently being remodeled, providing cutting-edge facilities for hands-on experiments and innovative projects.

In addition to our commitment to academic excellence, ANS boasts a robust athletics program. We believe that sports are a powerful vehicle for teaching valuable life skills, such as teamwork, grit, and perseverance. With over twenty-three athletic teams and practice groups, students can participate in a wide range of sports, from soccer and swimming to basketball, volleyball, and more. Our certified coaches, many with professional sports backgrounds, focus on instilling sportsmanship, respect, and discipline in our athletes.

We offer diverse opportunities for growth, including 20 Advanced Placement courses and our distinguished Global Studies Academy, fostering a deeper understanding of global issues. Competitions like Model United Nations, HACIA Democracy, and AASCA Knowledge Bowl enrich the learning experience.

Beyond the classroom, we encourage students to be active contributors to society through servant leadership. Engaging in extracurricular activities and over 25 clubs available at ANS enhances the experience and helps students discover their passions.

Welcome to our Secondary Program, where you will embark on a transformative and empowering educational experience. 

Let’s make your time at ANS truly extraordinary!

Anna Krughoff
Secondary Principal

Lori Fine

I am honored to join the secondary community as Instructional Coach. Although some of you may know me as an elementary math and science teacher, I actually started my career teaching high school Spanish. Over the years, I have taught a variety of subjects and age groups ranging from K-12 to adult classes. Additionally, I previously served 4 years as Instructional Coach for the Bilingual Department at Dunn Elementary. Originally from Houston, Texas, I am an avid traveler, an impetus which prompted me to move abroad and pursue an M.ED in International Education. After teaching 4 years at Colegio Maya in Guatemala, I moved to beautiful Nicaragua with my husband and two boys, where we are happy to start our 5th year at ANS.

I believe that a quality education is the most powerful tool we give our children and the foundation on which we build our collective future. Consequently, I favor instruction through inquiry-based projects, aimed to engage student interest and critical thinking through the questioning and investigation of real issues. I challenge students to draw conclusions, design solutions, and present their findings to an authentic audience.

As Instructional Coach, my goal is to empower teachers in similar ways, as I work to support them in inquiry-based projects related to instruction and assessment in their individual context. It is important to note that coaching is not a form of supervision or evaluation, rather a partnership built on communication and trust. I strive to meet teachers where they are in their professional journey, building on their strengths and interests, while assisting them to reach their chosen goals.

I have an open door policy, so drop by the ST Services Office if you have any questions or would like to meet. I am excited to be back at the secondary level and look forward to a fantastic year!

Meet the Team

Secondary School Office

Anna Krughoff

Secondary School Principal


Secondary School Assistant Principal

Katia Andino

Secondary School Secretary

Allison Zelaya

Secondary School Secretary

Lori Fine

Instructional Coach

Claudia Andino

Student Life

Bismar Hernández

Substitute Teacher

Vilma Zúniga

Substitute Teacher

Student Services & Wellness Center

Nidia Gutiérrez

MS Counselor

Kelly Rodgers

HS Counselor

Julie Falbo

College Counselor

Nackshadyra Espinoza

Student Services Secretary


Lilia Montealegre

Secondary English


Lisa Lippay

Secondary English

I have a degree in English from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master’s in Education. I love living in Nicaragua and being a part of our amazing school community. I have a passion for teaching English Language Arts because there are so many applications to our lives such as improving the way we communicate, and developing empathy and resiliency through literature. I enjoy giving students voice and choice in the classroom as they grow to be independent learners. Besides being a proud mother of two sons, I am an avid reader, I enjoy the art of writing, and I love spending time with family and close friends.

Milagros Green

Secondary English

Milagros Green


Kerry Flynn

Secondary English


Olivia Gunn

Secondary English

I was born and raised just outside Toronto, Canada, and I have always been passionate about education. I completed my Honors Bachelor of Arts degree and my Bachelor of Education degree in a dual university five year concurrent program with a focus on international education, and a few months after I graduated, I moved to Nicaragua to teach at ANS in the Middle School. After spending a year in Canada, I am incredibly excited to be back at ANS for this school year, this time teaching 10th grade English, Philosophy, and AP Human Geography. In my free time I enjoy reading, participating in any team sports I can find, and surfing.

Belinda López

US History, Economics & AP Economics

I have a B.A. in Economics from the University of Alabama and a Master’s in Education from Framingham State University. I have been teaching at ANS since 1997. I love teaching economics because it has so many real-world applications and it thrills me to see students applying the concepts they learn in my class to their everyday lives. Teaching seniors is bittersweet because I get to know them and form a relationship with them their last year at ANS but thankfully I am able to keep in touch with many of my students after they graduate.

Karen Meléndez

Social Studies & Community Values

Hi everyone! I am very excited to start another year full of learning. I have been part of this community for 25 years, and I’m passionate about education. I earned a bachelor’s degree from UCEM in Nicaragua and I strongly believe that the aim of education is not only the knowledge of facts but the development of values. We must teach students how to think intensively and critically, because education is not preparation for life, but is life itself.

Cristopher Torrez

History & Geography of Nicaragua

I graduated from my B.A in TEFL at Universidad Centroamericana in Managua, Nicaragua and have participated in several international programs for English teachers and learners sponsored by the U.S Department of State in places such as Costa Rica and the United States where I was part of an exchange program at Juniata College, Pennsylvania. I recently obtained my M.A in Linguistics from Distrital University Francisco de Caldas in Bogotá, Colombia. My philosophy of education is based on providing students with a safe space of critical reflection and that education is an ongoing spiral that adapts itself to the settings, goals and expectations students set for themselves. Education is the means from which societies can achieve progress and walk towards a brighter future.

Karina Chamorro

Secondary Social Studies


Nora Rivas

Secondary Social Studies

This is my thirteenth year as a teacher at ANS as well as an ANS parent. I currently teach United States History to 8th and 11th graders. I have also taught high school English and Latin American History in past years.  I have a Masters Degree in Education and thoroughly enjoy my students and classroom. I strongly believe in educating our students to be critical thinkers and active citizens of our global society.

Monika Cieslak

Secondary Social Studies

I’m excited to be returning back to the international community after teaching in Canada for a year. At ANS, I’ll be teaching World History and AP Comparative Government and Politics. I’ve taught overseas in Saudi Arabia for four years and, briefly, in Senegal where I joined on after completing my student practicum there. While working in Victoria, BC, Canada, I’ve discovered that inquiry centered teaching creates motivated lifelong learners. I look forward to continuing this practice at ANS.

Alexander Mackenzie

Secondary Social Studies


Luis Castellón

Secondary Social Studies

Nací en Managua Nicaragua, tengo dos licenciaturas una en Economía General y otra en Ciencias de la Educación con mención en Lengua y Literatura Hispánica, ambas de la Unan Managua, he sido maestro de Español y Estudios Sociales en instituciones educativas bilingües. Estoy muy contento de formar parte de la comunidad de ANS como maestro de Geografía de Nicaragua y Geografía e Historia de América, es mi deseo colaborar con los padres de familia para formar estudiantes que lleguen a ser sujetos activos de cambio en nuestra sociedad.

Glenn Du Quenoy

Secondary Science


Rodrigo Díaz

Secondary Science

My name is Rodrigo Díaz, I’m from Nicaragua, ANS has been my home for many years! I’m an ANS Alumnus, Class of 2005! I am currently teaching 11th Grade Chemistry and 8th Grade Physical Science, and I hope I can continue to inspire in my students the love for Science, Inquiry and Intellectual Curiosity. I love supporting my students in growing both inside and outside the classroom, thus, I am extremely honor to be mentoring our school’s student leaders as their National Honor Society Advisor!

Besides from teaching and Science, I have a great passion for anything artistic: singing, acting, painting, drawing, etc! I love finding ways to express my creativity, and have creative escapes to relax and release stress. Currently, I’m focusing on Digital Artwork and Calligraphy, so come visit to check my work!

I am super proud and happy that my daughter Isabella is part of this amazing and beautiful Tiger community, which we are proud to call HOME!

Thelma Blandón

Secondary Science

I am Thelma Blandón. I have an AS in Computer Science and also a BS in Marketing. I also have a Master degree in Education. I teach Life Science and also AP CS50 -Computer Science Principles at ANS. One of my goals is to promote a growth mindset in my students, since there is nothing more rewarding for me, as a teacher, than to be able to help my students learn how to use that approach as an important part of their learning process and in life in general.

“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower”
-Alexander Den Heijer

Juan Casco

Secondary Science

My name is Juan Martin Casco, I’m from Nicaragua but have spent half of my life in the US.I’ve been teaching for around 14 years and this will be my second year here at ANS. I currently teach 6th Grade Science and 8th Grade Physical Science. Teaching for me is 100% about the students and their well being. I want my students to have fun and enjoy science but most importantly, I want them to be able to develop and transfer the skills they obtain to different areas in life. I love drawing, reading, building things and spending time with my wonderful family. Important things to live by as a teacher and parent:

“You were once a child, too” – Fred Rogers
“Be who you needed when you were younger” -Brad Montague

Adriana Targa

Biology, AP Biology, Anatomy & Physiology

I was born in Austin, Texas and moved to Nicaragua at the age of 8, I studied at ANS where my love for the life sciences began. I have a B.S. in Biology from Penn State University as well as a Masters in Education and have been a science teacher for almost 12 years now, but my love for academia started in college as a tutor. My hobbies are painting, reading, watching anime, and catching sunshine at the beach with my two dogs. I am so excited to come back to ANS as part of the faculty.

Miriam Rojo

Secondary Spanish

Nací en Managua, Nicaragua, de madre nicaragüense y padre español. Estudié la Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Hispánicas, y poco tiempo después, una Maestría en Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, y un Diplomado en Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera. Después de muchos años en la docencia, puedo afirmar que amo lo que hago y que trabajar con niños y adolescentes puede ser tan retador como reconfortante. Trabajar en ANS es, para mí, un placer y un reto diario que espero cumplir con devoción. Amo la naturaleza y creo profundamente en que el ser humano debe recuperar el equilibrio con ella para poder vivir en armonía con su entorno.

Thelma Flores

Secondary Spanish

Máster en Comunicación y Educación por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Licenciada en Administración de Empresas por la Universidad Centroamericana. He tenido el placer de trabajar en ANS desde hace 7 años y en el área de educación desde hace 10 años. Creo firmemente en una educación integral, tanto en conocimientos como en virtudes, ética y moral. Individuos formados en valores, pensamiento crítico y libertad es la mezcla perfecta de un futuro exitoso y pleno.

Cristopher Torrez

Secondary Spanish

I graduated from my B.A in TEFL at Universidad Centroamericana in Managua, Nicaragua and have participated in several international programs for English teachers and learners sponsored by the U.S Department of State in places such as Costa Rica and the United States where I was part of an exchange program at Juniata College, Pennsylvania. I recently obtained my M.A in Linguistics from Distrital University Francisco de Caldas in Bogotá, Colombia. My philosophy of education is based on providing students with a safe space of critical reflection and that education is an ongoing spiral that adapts itself to the settings, goals and expectations students set for themselves. Education is the means from which societies can achieve progress and walk towards a brighter future.

Dina González

Secondary Spanish

Soy Lic. en Español; Especialista en Didáctica de la Lengua y actualmente estoy haciendo la tesis de mi Maestría. Imparto la clase de Lengua y Literatura desde el 2010 en ANS. Nací en Chontales y vivo en Managua desde hace 20 años. En mis clases, me gusta trabajar a través de proyectos que pongan en contacto al estudiante con su realidad. Amo a Dios, mi familia y mi trabajo. Me esfuerzo por hacer las cosas de corazón, como para el Señor y no para los hombres.

Sara Román

SLL / AP Spanish Language

Siempre he pensado que los maestros tenemos el poder de construir junto con los jóvenes un mundo mejor y desde siempre me he apegado a este pensamiento que me impulsa a hacer día con día la diferencia. Soy una nicaragüense inspirada en Darío con una visión cosmopolita y futurista de la vida. Soy Lic. en ciencias de la educación con especialidad en inglés y poseo una maestría en educación. Me encanta la naturaleza, los animales, la música y sobre todo amo mi vocación.

Sonia Dávila

Secondary Spanish

Nací en Nicaragua, Río San Juan y tengo 37 años de ser docente. Soy graduada en la Escuela Normal de Managua de Maestra de Educación Primaria; estudié en la U.N.A.N. de Managua Nicaragua la carrera de Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación en Español y una Maestría en Filología y Literatura Latinoamericana. Soy una persona muy alegre, enamorada de mi familia, apasionada por mi trabajo, comprometida con la enseñanza de mis estudiantes; y me siento muy contenta y honrada por ser parte de la comunidad de A.N.S. desde el 2012.

Carolina Yun

Chinese / AP Chinese Language

My Chinese name is Hui-Chen Yun and I graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature, College of Liberal Arts at Providence University in Taiwan in 1987. “To live until old, to learn until old”. This wise, ancient Chinese saying tells us how we should always continue learning. Every single student that I’ve had the pleasure to meet is completely unique; they all have different weaknesses and strengths! And these students are in fact the ones who teach me everyday how to be more creative, how to be a better listener… how to be a real educator.

Karen Corea

French / AP French Language

Bonjour-Hello my name is Karen, I am Nicaraguan.

I lived in Toulouse in the south of France for almost 8 years. Upon my return I worked as a pedagogical assistant, in charge of public and cultural relations in the Alianza Francesa Managua , then I worked as an international baccalaureate teacher for 6 years.I organized a cultural exchange with a French high school in 2019.

I am delighted to share this wonderful French language and culture with my students.

I studied FLE (French as a foreign language) at the University of Toulouse II “Le Mirail”

Claudia Genet

Secondary Math

My name is Claudia Genet and I am from Nicaragua. I have been teaching math for over 15 years, 11 of which I taught at ANS. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics Education and master’s degree in International Education. I am passionate about providing students with opportunities to explore, analyze, problem-solve, and make decisions using math in their daily lives. I am a proud mom who loves spending time with family and friends.

Beatriz Gómez

Secondary Math

Mathematics is my passion, and, as such, I am delighted to help each one of my students to develop a love and appreciation for mathematical thinking. I believe that math is not only important for school, but it is also a subject that helps develop unique critical thinking skills to prepare students for the future. I strive to show students how math is an essential component of our everyday lives. My approach is to develop a Math Learning Community where students are encouraged to share their ideas, explore multiple solution paths, and evaluate different approaches to deepen their conceptual understanding.

My mathematics journey of over twenty years has led me to teach all different levels of math. I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from the University of Florida, and a Master’s degree in Education from Framingham State University. In addition to my passion for mathematics, I love to run and spend time with my family and friends.

Yoshua Galo

Secondary Math


Andrew Cajina

Math 7, Math 8

Hi! I’m excited to join the team at ANS! About myself, I’m born and raised in Alberta, Canada to two Nicaraguans. I have spent most of my life in Alberta until these past few years where I was able to see more of the world. My first real international living experience was shortly after my first degree, in Bilingual Biology and Math, where I went to teach ESL in Korea. I fell in love with teaching and returned to complete an after degree in secondary education.

Axel Canales

Secondary Math

ANS Yearbook 2021-22


John Spiro

Instrumental Music / Music

I have a background in both music and education and have taught music at ANS for 16 years. I firmly believe that a child’s education is not complete without music. I enjoy sharing my passion for music with students and helping them develop confidence and good work habits that can help them succeed in all their classes.

Daniel Gutiérrez

Robotics / Coding & Programming


Erika Morales

MS Art


Jarvin Arce

HS Art


Kristin Kniehl

Inclusion Lead

My name is Kristin Kniehl and I am from Toronto, Canada. I came to Nicaragua in July 2021 with my husband Wade and our two cats, Benji and Petula. We are so happy to be part of the ANS family. At this school where creativity and passion are celebrated we have countless opportunities to grow our skill sets.

The most important thing to me about being a teacher is making sure that all students are provided the tools and pathways to achieve success. My career has been devoted to working with students that face academic, social-emotional, and/or systemic challenges. I have learned so much about resiliency through all of my students and it is their success stories that motivate me to always grow as an educator and as a human.

Vivian Campos

Inclusion Lead

My name is Vivian Campos. I’ve been working at ANS for 7 years in different roles, and this is my second year working as a part of the Secondary Inclusion Team. I am currently pursuing my second career which is Pedagogy with a mention in Administration and Management of Education. I have experience in supporting students and collaborating with teachers in order to provide strategies so that students have the best learning experience.

Wade Kniehl

Inclusion Lead

Wade Kniehl
