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Library Mission Statement:

We believe that the school library media center exists for the use of the students, faculty and parents in order to provide personal intellectual growth and to promote an interest and an appreciation of ideas and information.

We believe in free access to the library media center.  These facilities should be of assistance to all and students should be taught to gain self-sufficiency in the use of the library media center.

The goals of the ANS Library:

  1. Provide reference resources that are current in both print and non-print material.
  2. Increase support of library users searching for information
  3. Provide Information literacy skills to teachers and students
  4. Continue Training and Professional Development for Library Staff
  5. Use current technologies as an integral part of instruction.
  6. To provide a physical environment suitable for and conducive to research and study.
  7. Provide reading incentive programs to enhance the love of reading
  8. Provide A/V material that is current and diverse in format.

Description of Present Program:

Our current collection exceeds the Advanced Ed / SACS CASI requirements. The ANS library has over 30000 titles both in print and non-print material. Patrons can access our online catalog through the ANS webpage or directly In addition to print material ANS also has memberships to online resources including EBSCO Host Online Database and BrainPop and subscriptions to physical copies of over 12 magazines, professional journals and periodicals.

The ANS Library Media Program offers skills instruction/ formally and informally / to student, faculty and staff in the use of resources; moreover, library personnel collaborate with teacher planning. The library program works with both fixed schedules for the lower elementary students and open schedules to meet the needs of teachers and students for the upper elementary, middle and high schools. Our library relies on 15 computers with Internet access which are an integral part of skills instruction and classroom assignments.

Library Online Catalog

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